In Memory of




Obituary for Susan J. Emerling

Susan Jonas Emerling
Chaos Manor Matriarch
Warren - Susan Jonas Emerling, 79, mother, sister, wife, friend, confidant, and cookie making machine died on February 14, 2017 after surgery to repair a heart valve. Born on January 2, 1938 in Mineloa NY, and raised in East Williston, NY. Susan attended the Knox School and later graduated from Connecticut College with a degree in Home Economics. Yes, that’s right, Home Economics. Diploma in hand, she burst on to the cooking magazine test kitchen scene like a flambé, creating and testing recipes to ensure the unsuspecting reader didn’t poison themselves. In 1962 she married Ernest Emerling Jr. and subsequently had 5 children, all of whom were dedicated to holding up the household name of Chaos Manor. That Home Ec degree proved useful once again with a house filled with rambunctious children and a husband, more often than not, traveling for business. Wooden spoon in hand, she managed all the requirements of home and family like an unflappable little general. Her small size belied her strength and determination, her spirit and generosity were immeasurable. The only thing greater than her love of cooking for others was the adoration and pride she felt for her children. We are all better people for having had her in our lives.
Left to carry on Susan’s legacy: her children Paul, Anne, Priscilla, Tripp and Peter, their spouses, numerous grandchildren, and her sister Priscilla Lamond. She is predeceased by her parents Esther and Ed Jonas, brother Paul and husband Ernest. She will be missed tremendously by all, but especially by her beloved dachshunds, Victoria and Betsey, who provided her with companionship, love, and a consistent need to shop for new shoes.
A celebration of Susan’s life will be planned for a later date. In lieu of flowers, we’d ask that in her name you do an unexpected and unsolicited act of kindness for someone in need. Or, if you prefer the more traditional form of remembrance, donations can be made to the Warren Public Library in Warren, CT or to the charity of your choice.